Influence of asymmetry of solar radiation on thermal comfort of indoor occupants

Yuan Chenzhang, Li Nianping, A Yongga, Wang Yongsi and Wang Meng


The radiation asymmetric environment caused by solar short wave radiation has a significant effect on the local thermal comfort of human body. Based on the measured experimental platform data, calculates the asymmetric radiation temperature (ΔTpr) under the action of solar radiation. The results show that the solar radiation causes a significant radiation asymmetric environment at 1 m away from the south outer window. In addition, when only affected by the solar diffuse radiation, the influence of radiation asymmetric environment caused by the wall long wave radiation on ΔTpr can not be ignored. Based on the historical meteorological data of Changsha, calculates the predicted percentage of dissatisfaction under the action of hourly solar radiation throughout the year.